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Today on The Legal Connection Toni Lynn Collins and Cheryl Ellsworth Jahani discuss DWI (driving while intoxicated) in Texas. Toni and Cheryl will give a brief overview of the drunk driving laws in Texas. They also discuss the consequences of the first, second and third offense of drunk driving, what to say to a police officer when you have been pulled over and when to invoke your right against self incrimination. Blood alcohol tests and breath-a-lizer tests are also discussed. Then Toni and Cheryl answer frequently asked questions from their listeners.
Toni and Cheryl encourage their listeners to email them questions at questions@legalconnectionshow.com or call questions in at 281.529.5862. DISCLAIMER: The Legal Connection show is intended for entertainment purposes and not as legal advice regarding your specific situation. If you need legal advice you must contact an attorney of your choice.
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The Legal Connection is LIVE on Lone Star Community Radio every Tuesday at noon.
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